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Hon Fee Dissed Namewee in Latest Track

Trending on social circles is latest cover track by local artist, Hon Fee featuring multi-talented, Chriz Ooi. It all began when NAMEWEE produced a track for one of his talentKean Tan which went with the title of 'I’m Bad’.

Hon Fee recently discovered his passion in rap-making decided to make a reply to the track.

Check out Fee's cover track below;


You’re so bad

I go by the name of 陈瀚辉

Hon Fee, in english


Now Listen

Not long, a real bad song went live,

Got me raging mad within,

The more I checked you out, i got chilly I'm chilling

You, blondie

going around telling people, you bad

Is it odd or should I call you dumb

What’s up baddie

It aint easy to be bad

See idol Peter Chen,

it’s all about the brotherhood and taking control

You little brat

Mom’s heartache

turns into breaks

thinking why’d my son

became people's nightmare

You’re so bad

Yah! Flaunting the $20 you stole from your mom?

I'd steal thousands of dollars filling ma’s purse

You barely need to exist

Act stylin’ but sissy AF

You’re so bad

Up on your face, so clear

The brain's sitting on top of your head

Why the brain?

You aint bad

Your brain’s gone mad

It’s too obvious

The brain went bad

You’re thrilled, you even riding the rhythm?

As far as screaming p*ssies

Please wake up

BIG SHOT’s here for your and the music

Stop fooling with the babes

NameWee, the BIG SHOT

And a master besides

in RedPeople he resides

Too engaged with his own shit

Why’d he’d even care to write raps and gave you a song

Why can't you hustle, practice

Round up your skills, lit AF

WIFI? What’s with the WIFI

Damn that virtual play

Look at you, look at yourself

Have it this way, keep goin till you have

No money, no money

Never mind it’s been the 1000th times, waste of my energy

You said you’re real bad because you.. Phooi (spit)

I’m telling you I’m bad cuz my brother’s Chriz Ooi


I'm not bad, I'm not bad

Not as bad as you

All I know

Drinking, smoking, making love with dem girls,

Don't get it, I just don’t get it

You lil blondie,

Say I’m the BOSS, it'll be weird to recruit a freak like you

When I’m out hustling,

you're still at home stealing yo neighbors’ WIFI

I don kill, I still love myself

Nothing like you, you sissy freak

Your skill is crap, stop acting shit

Fresh milk, drink em more milk

You small cutesy kid

Had time to rob off your mom for 20bucks?

Why not break the bank for thousands of bucks? Thrasher!

You're bad, so bad, I despise your ancestors

Didn’t bring the textbook & belt, trying to label yourself bad?

Can't see the future in your f*ckface

Dig myself a hole and hide forever, If I were you

Epic fail, how fail can you go?

Trying to be dope, ended up being clowned

You’re a joke

My kind advice; get home and keep drinking em milk

Bad or not , Chrizzy me bringing it up

This song's

a present for you, lil freak

For real,

Don’t go messing around yo


What's your thought on the reply track?

Follow their youtube channel for more upcoming hits.


Friend's who hasn't check out the mentioned NAMEWEE's video yet, here it is.



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